January 12, 2007

In Honor of Taylor Hicks...and Possibly the Creepiest Video Ever

Taylor Hicks revealed on GoFish that the song he secretly listens to at home is "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler.

I must admit...not until I rewatched the video for this post did I realize what it was about.

Madame Tyler had a thing for the little boys.


On a lighter note...way back in 1984, when I was 14 and foolish. I wanted nothing more than to have a hairstyle just like Bonnie Tyler.

And to prove it...

And in honor of Taylor's love of "I Will Survive"...here's an oldie but a goodie.


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At 1/12/2007 06:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haaaate Bonnie Tyler. Am I allowed to say that?

At 1/12/2007 06:28:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

Sure you are. Now that I've gone back and listened again...I have to say...her range wasn't the best.

But I gotta totally own up to lovin' that stupid song.

At 1/12/2007 06:49:00 PM, Blogger Quossum said...

I knew I was gettin' old when some cool funky group did a cover or remake of the song, and my students had no idea who Bonnie Tyler was or that the song was a cover.

Yes, I loved it, too, back in the day. *sigh*


At 1/12/2007 07:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, ok. Creepy, maybe. Cheesy, definitely. I mean, ninjas? WTH?

Have to say my favorite was It's a Heartache. What can I say, I love "raspy" voices.

Shelley - LERVELY hair... I would have KILLED for your hair...in 1985.


Note to self: Never, ever share 1985 photo with Monkbots.

BTW, GREAT job on GrayCharles' logo. He owes you, no? How much pull does he really have with Taylor. I mean, Monkbot Convention in New Orleans? Jus' sayin'.

HEY Y'ALL. It's FRIDAY of a 3-day weekend...WOOOOOOOOO!

How many of you work 9 to 5 every %*@#&in' day?

At 1/12/2007 07:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, when's the Chat "coup"?

At 1/12/2007 08:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"see cheek for tongue"--gotten love the fine print!

What the heck is that video about? I like the song, but weird.

2 of my husbands favorite songs to sing are Total Eclips of the Heart and I Will Survive. Oh my gosh, I've figured out the secret to my attraction to Taylor.

Shelley, your hair color is beautiful. I am so envious!

At 1/12/2007 08:10:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

lee...my hair isn't that red anymore. it's gotten darker over the years.

but thanks. :)

At 1/12/2007 08:11:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

btw...dd...now i MUST see your picture from the 80s!


At 1/12/2007 08:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, it's time for bed:
"gotten" = "gotta"
"Eclips" = "Eclipse"

At 1/12/2007 08:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alien Survival! LOL! Just what was needed to cleanse the mind after watching Bonnie Tyler... gah! I'll say creepy in light of all the female teacher/student sex scandals there's been lately.

Where's the logo? I wanna see!

At 1/12/2007 08:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DD, 8:30-5:30 every stinkin day! I have to work Monday, but at least I have the weekend off. Sometimes I think I should have married for money not love. But I'm not sure any other man would put up w/my obsession.

OK, if you guys get TH to come to the convention I will die. You could all go to dinner at Applebees together (of course he would have to wear his toboggan). That would so rawkkkk!!!!

At 1/12/2007 08:28:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

BWA HA HA HA at the Monkbots passing the toboggan! LOL

Baby Duck...download-our-new-toolbar/download the GrayCharles.com toolbar to see the logo.

At 1/12/2007 08:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Logo. Thanks for the shortcut to it. I was following the breadcrumbs through the deep, dark forest of comments at GC. That'll teach me, since I didn't download the toolbar... already have the rss feed.

At 1/12/2007 09:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Just stopping in to say that I am not a hit & run de-lurker! Like many of you, I've been real busy and had some family business to attend to.

Also, I love The Office. Shelley, I am curious about where you stand now on the Karen/Pam debate. I'm still Team Pam, although Karen is growing on me. Pam killed me this week when she went out for coffee with Angela, "You seem so happy. Do you think you might always want to feel this way?"

Total Eclipse of the Heart is an awesome belting it out whilst alone in the car type of song, along with It's All Coming Back To Me Now by Celine Dion, who I normally don't like at all.

Shelley, you are a brave woman with the picture! I had a variation on that 'do too. I am going to try to remember to find the scan of my junior prom picture to share, circa 1988. My date bears a spooky resemblance to the prom picture featured in People magazine of someone we all admire. Oh, and my big hair and giant satin & lace dress are stylin'!

Your convention sounds awesome! Have a great time. I'd love meet you all, but I am way up in Massachusetts. Best of luck getting the meet & greet, I'll be jealous!!

At 1/12/2007 09:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, p.s. - I'd be totally up for that takeover of the GC chat some night! Can I join in?

At 1/12/2007 09:26:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

jenfera...i gotta say...i'm still on team pam.

i really really really like karen...but i don't think it's fair what she's in the middle of.

i think she deserves better.

pam and jim are just so great together.


MD...I'm headin' over to GC now! ;)

At 1/12/2007 10:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will admit that I do like a good rendition of Total Eclipse. That video is weird though. What's even weirder is I remember some kids doing some sort of interpretive dance to that song as part of some school program in grade school ... held in the church! Huh.

3-day weekend DD?! No fair! However, I do have a nephew scheduled to be born Monday by c-section at 12:30, so that's better than a day off! :)

Oh, and for all you "oldies" (I kid, I kid), for the record, I am officially the big 2-5 today. ;)

At 1/13/2007 09:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love total eclipse of the heart, but picturing Taylor makes me laugh....in that white outfit....hehehehehe....conversing with ninjas........lol......

At 1/13/2007 11:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I never saw that video before (either of them actually, the alien cracked me up) but jee I always loved tottal eclipse of the heart (I love raspy voices) but that vidoe IS creepy, never would have imagined that for a bideo for that song wow.why would they even make a video like that, pretty much saying she likes young church boys ewwww.
We all loved the big hair back then didnt we? (well those of us alive then any way ) love the cover, when can I buy the cd? LOL

At 1/13/2007 02:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelley -- I just noticed the caption on your high school photo poster. Hilarious! And I am sooo jellis of your mad photoshopping skilz. Jellis, I tell you!

My hat's off to you.

I still don't like the song, though. The video confirms the fact that it is more than a little creepy.

At 1/13/2007 02:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I downloaded the toolbar, Shelley, you rawk!

At 1/13/2007 04:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shelley - hilarious post! I wasn't ever a big fan of Bonnie, but love imitating her singing this song on the odd occasions when I have a bad chest cold. It is a pre-requisite for representing those gravelly tones. "It's a Heartache" is another great Bonnie number to sing when inflicted by rheum and catarrh.

Love the hair on your poster! I would have loved to have had such a fab barnet. Tried for side-flicks, but alas, they stuck out sideways. My subsequent perm, to give a bit of volume, resulted only in two-inch chunks breaking off all around. Your song titles are fab. Hee hee.

That video makes me hoot. Remember it so well. Even back then, in the Eighties, when the trend was for video producers to outdo eachother in the level of inconguous and unrelated images they could flash before us - this remains a classic. The recurring 'arty' b/w muscly torso motif. What's that about? And the guy in the suit of armour having water poured on his head? The bolt of scarlet muslin being blown down dingy corridors by a wind machine, and those depressed-looking choirboys? I dunno. I am wondering if she's on a nostalgic lecture-visit to her old school. Old girl made good. (We had an olympic runner former pupil come and talk at our school.) I am thinkin that after this video came out, Bonnie's alma mater was quietly closed down...

At 1/13/2007 09:57:00 PM, Blogger Dr. Bob said...

Very funny, Rowan

At 1/13/2007 09:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm Dr. Bob!!!

At 1/13/2007 10:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Steinman, who wrote a LOT of songs for Meatloaf, who also wrote this song, wrote the music for the Broadway flop musical "Dance of the Vampires" which starred Michael Crawford...
This is part of an article from
Playbill.com, on September 18, 2002, in regards to this song:

"But with 'Total Eclipse of the Heart,' I was trying to come up with a love song and I remembered I actually wrote that to be a vampire love song. Its original title was 'Vampires in Love' because I was working on a musical of `Nosferatu,' the other great vampire story. If anyone listens to the lyrics, they're really like vampire lines. It's all about the darkness, the power of darkness and love's place in dark. And then it was just hard to take it out."

At 1/13/2007 11:01:00 PM, Blogger shelley said...

mary...i had NO idea.

how bizarre.

but i have to say..."Nosferatu...the Musical"?



At 1/14/2007 12:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee hee - yep, can you imagine Bonnie Tyler being chased about the stage by Nosferatu? I am visualising that b/w image of him from that ancient film (from the twenties, or shomething.) which always used to turn up in books on "The Surprising and the Weird" which used to fascinate me as a kid. I think Bonnie would deck him in the opening scene with a swift kick from her biker boot, and then have the audience at her mercy for the rest of the hour and a half.

Thanks, Dr Bob! (Waves)

At 1/14/2007 09:21:00 PM, Blogger TK said...

That is one bizarre video! I loved that song, but I never saw that video. According to Wikipedia (quoting Pop-Up Video), the video had nothing to do with the lyrics (read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Eclipse_of_the_Heart) and was produced by Russell Mulcahy, director of many other videos and movies, including the Highlander movie series and this very similar music video: A Kind of Magic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkfKGvVP5zc)
Watch it and recall when you last heard that song... any guesses?


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