February 18, 2007

Laissez le Bon Temps Roullez....with Taylor Hicks

From Double D, "All of my favorite worlds collide.

Check out how dirty his hands are....from the beads. I know they say "Throw 'til it hurts", but after 3 and half hours of throwing cups and beads, his right side's gonna be paralyzed for a week."

Thanks for the pictures, DD.



At 2/18/2007 09:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK - can someone explain the significance of the beads?

Enquiring minds....

At 2/18/2007 09:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO DD is there? Thanks, girl!

At 2/18/2007 09:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taylor's girl told me to post something and put her name on it. WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO TMB!

At 2/18/2007 10:00:00 AM, Blogger shelley said...

Claire, since Mardi Gras is a celebration of excess before the Lenten season begins, I imagine the beads signify excessiveness.

The purple, gold and green colors were chosen in 1872 by the King of Carnival, Rex. He chose these colors to stand for the following:

* Purple represents justice
* green stands for faith
* gold stands for power

At 2/18/2007 10:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TY, Shelley....

Hope no-one lost an eye with all that bead-flinging!!!

At 2/18/2007 11:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can someone look so handsome while standing on a float with blackened hands flinging beads? (note--especially the 2nd pic. He looks like the mysterious, bead throwing, introspective man of my dreams). Sigh....

DD wasn't there was she? It was her daughter I think. I'm not sure. Someone clarify if they know for sure.

I sure wish I could have heard Taylor, Al Green and Styx. Styx is one of my all time favorite bands. Takes me back to high school. I love their theatrical over the top style. Babe is the best love song evah!

At 2/18/2007 11:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, guys, I'm not there, just good Internet research. Most of these are from Yahoo.

My son was at the parade yesterday and is supposed to come through with some pictures, BUT I'm sure they're still sleeping as is our own "imbedded" Monkbot, NOLAGirl, who is supposed to have a ringside report from the "Extravaganza". I must say that Taylor likely had one of the best times of his life last night. They say that the crowds were record-breaking and very "festive".

Claire -- The beads were started by the Krewe of Rex in the early 30's....someone got imported glass beads and started throwing them from the floats...it became a tradition but they were later replaced by plastic beads because folks were getting hurt.

While beads are still the mainstay, they throw dabloons (fake coins with Krewe information on it but some are highly collectible), plastic cups, stuffed animals, and basically any kind of party favor you could think of that won't kill someone in the process. In Mobile, their claim to fame is Moon Pies....they throw Moon Pies....for your edification:

Moon Pies

I'm off to the Mobile Mardi Gras for the Joe Cain Parade (open to "regular citizens", no Krewe).

BTW, Taylor's G-Momma, Joni Hicks, is the Grand Marshall of the Orange Beach, AL Mardi Gras Parade (home of the FloraBama). Maybe Taylor will make his way down there to see her on his way to Jacksonville.


At 2/18/2007 12:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope those arn't Jerry beads.............just kidding!

At 2/18/2007 12:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my goal to experience Mardi Gras once before I die...if only it could've been this year, so I coulda seen that second picture of Taylor in person...oh my, haha.

Thanks for the background on why they give out beads, DD and Shell. Everyone up here just thinks they're given for flashing people, not for an actual symbol of some kind, lol. Although, I did benefit from that misconception once...what a cute football player he was. :P (And yeah, he just "flashed" the top part, haha.)

At 2/18/2007 05:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee - see your picture two and raise you picture seven. So unself-consciously handsome..sigh...

I have not mentioned comestibles, thrown or otherwise, but may be turnin into a Glitter Nazi! Gives self a scone in the lug (term for a thick ear.)

Great to see Taylor lookin so happy. Thanks for sharin, DD!: )

At 2/18/2007 10:32:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rowan, He's looking none too shabby in that one either. If you can believe it he's even more handsome in person. At the WEst Virginia concert he passed right in front of me (like only 1 foot in front of me). He was so much younger looking in person, and his eyes are unbelievable. OK, enough fangirliness. Must now go fan myself and hug my Taylor pillowcase.

At 2/19/2007 07:27:00 AM, Blogger Dr. Bob said...

* Purple represents justice
* green stands for faith
* gold stands for power

Yay for trivia like that. Thanks ...

The pictures are really very nice.

At 2/19/2007 08:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, the French Fleur de Lis is a symbol of the Trinity. The southern part of Louisiana is about 70% Catholic with ALOT of French influence.

At 2/19/2007 08:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm one of those who thought the beads were for flashers. I always pictured someone getting hit on the face with the beads because both hands were holding the shirt up. I second MD's "Yay!" for the trivia.

Has anyone tried to fling beads so hard that he/she ended up falling from the float?

Why is my head filled with all these clumsy scenarios?

At 2/19/2007 12:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These homesick Tay-Tay Mamas wanna thank every body for bringin some of the biggest & safest free party in the world to monkbot, etc. Lemme tell ya, when you grow up waitin all year for Carnival-when you skip goin home from college for Xmas so you can go for Mardi Gras-you know what you're missin.
Mama would be up all nite before THE day frying chicken, makin potato salad, deviled eggs, brownies with pecans; Daddy would load up the ice chest with Barq's Root Beer, RC Cola & Jax beer. Then he'd get up before dawn, drive over to Napoleon or Carrollton Avenue, and claim our spot-park on the Neutral Ground-spread out the blankets, set up the lawn chairs, then come back & get the family around 8:00. We'd spend the entire day knoshing & shmoozing and catching Schwegmann bags full of beads and dubloons.
I hope ya'll every one get to go to Mardi Gras more than once...Go one time single where you stay in the French Quarter all day & see things you can't tell yo Mama about...and one time with a family where you camp out Uptown for 12 hours.
But lemme warn ya-the city's full of smilin' folks who came for Mardi Gras week-end twenty years ago and never went home again.
And don't worry about being hit by throws: honey, folks lose all self respect when a dubloon clinks on the ground...old ladies be steppin on big teen-agers, gettin to it: Every body turns into a street-kid at Carnival. You know that sweet hunk of Southern Soul Man had the time of his life~just what he needs before hitting the road on tour.
Hey, if you eveh heah about Tay comin to WV, hollar at us, okay? We're in Morgantown & will see him in Greensburg, PA but he's HOT in this big college town.
Let The Good Times Roll, dawlin'


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